we plug the
gap in the market.
Global borderless markets have instant communication and demand greater interaction. We know how to interact, develop and activate in foreign markets with cultural awareness, with the right connections and the media know how.
- 在对权利和价值观有深刻理解的情况下进行谈判
- 关键关系管理
- 价值增长支柱
- 商业途径
- 品牌发展
- 伙伴关系规划
- 媒体发展
We offer creative and production services from small scale social media content & event coverage to full-service productions for online & offline global campaigns
- 内部拍摄团队
- 国际创意团队
- 社交媒体内容创作者
- 视觉效果服务
- 事件报道
We develop complete marketing programs from concept and planning, through activation and delivery, while being aware of cultural nuances beyond simple language barriers, and create the greatest engagement parallels in:
- 品牌活动
- 电视
- 产品
- 社交媒体策略、创意、 交付与管理
Partnerships are more than a monetary exchange.
They are about matching two entities with shared objectives where the alliance has
a strategic pathway to lead to mutual benefit but most importantly ensuring a
clear sense of how and why so that the truest meaning of the word partner underlines
the relationship throughout.
Now add different cultures, across different oceans, cities, languages, interaction styles, local nuances and religious backgrounds makes this much more than just a contract. We are experienced Masters at that!
We ensure the why, the understanding and analysis before, during and after with local knowledge and commentary to shape the truest meaning of the narrative.
- 市场理解
- 深入了解客户群
- 地理、政治、社会和商业评论
- 每个项目的 KPI 和目标
- 持续跟踪、评论和建议以确保计划成功
- 项目完成后分析与评论